MANGA Workshop with Jack Devereaux


Arch 28
Croft Walk, Worcester, WR1 3BD

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17 Feb 2024


10:00 - 13:00



MANGA Workshop with Jack Devereaux

Saturday 17th February 10:00-13:00

£30 per person

Have you ever wanted to make manga, but don’t know where to start? Well I can show you the way! In this workshop we will cover the basics of creating manga, such as:

-Turning your ideas into a script

-Planning and laying out your manga pages

-Best practices to produce a complete story

-Tips on improving your work flow & productivity

You’ll leave this workshop with the knowledge to start making your own manga, as well as a script and layout for you to complete at home. We will also discuss the best places to post your manga online, and ways of getting your work noticed.

Materials will be provided, but if you’d like to bring your sketchbook to work in, you’re more than welcome!

Please note this is not a workshop about learning the basics of drawing.

You must be 16+ to, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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