Worcester Film Festival and Artists Clubhouse announce the third year of their film inspired art trail
‘Lights, Camera…Paint’, with the generous support of local councillors and community funding
from Worcester City Council. The trail runs throughout September around the city centre of
Worcester featuring works created by local people, charities and organisations to celebrate our
love of the movies and the launch of the Worcester Film Festival.

The competition brief is now available at www.artistsclubhouse.com until the deadline of 19th July
2024. This year we’re introducing the theme “Movie Mash-Ups”, encouraging artists to combine
their favourite movies and think outside the box. Whether it’s two similar films or a few that
completely clash, we want people to come up with some really interesting and new ideas.
All creatives are invited to submit their work from beginners to professionals, no previous
experience is needed. Twenty entries will be chosen by a panel to be included in the final art trail
and is open to all UK artists with Worcestershire locals being given priority. Five further artworks
will be created by local charities/organisations and/or artists that practise with sustainable

‘Lights, Camera..Paint’ has been created as part of the Worcester Film Festival to celebrate the
synergy art has with film. Kirstie from Worcester Film Festival explains that part of her love for film
is the fact that it encompasses all art forms and mediums “There is a place for every creative
discipline in the process of making a film, I have seen that community come together, and that is
really something special”

Artists Clubhouse is excited to be able to keep building the art trail as an opportunity for all
creatives to be able to show off their talents no matter their level of experience or training. “We
aim to encourage everyone to get involved in creativity in some way as a benefit to their wellbeing,whether it’s through seeing art, discovering and talking about new films with like- minded people or exploring being creative for themselves. All can be such a benefit for positive mental health” says founder, Emily Johnson.

The artists’ call out will run from 17th May until the deadline of 19th July 2024. For more
information about the brief or the trail please visit: www.artistsclubhouse.com
Worcester Film Festival runs 25th September – 28th September 2024, more info, updates
and tickets as released can be found here: www.worcesterfilmfestival.co.uk

Worcester Film Festival:
Instagram @worcesterfilmfestival
Facebook @worcesterfilmfestival

Artists Clubhouse:
Instagram @artistsclubhouse
Facebook @weareartistsclubhouse